The trees are protected!
All trees that grow within the national park are protected by a preservation order against harm and damage. The ancient dried-up pine trees are also covered by this preservation order. These old, silver-gray pines are a characteristic of Femundsmarka, and the dead trees are home to many rare animal and plant species.
Visitors are only permitted to use small twigs from trees to light a campfire, but first and foremost twigs found on the ground.

Trash must not be left or burned in the national park, visitors must take it with them when they leave and dispose of it properly. Feel free to pick up any trash that you find on your way.
Respect wildlife. In the spring, during the nesting and breeding period, wildlife is particularly vulnerable to disturbances. Femundsmarka is an important area for reindeer husbandry. Show consideration and keep a distance from the reindeers.
Biking increases our range and can disturb wildlife and lead to wear on vegetation and soil, this is therefore not allowed. Biking is only allowed along these routes:
- Feragen – Ljøsnåvollen
- Langen – Nordvika – Svartvika
- Elgå – Svukuriset
Camping. Some species in Femundsmarka are particularly vulnerable to disturbance during certain periods of the year. Several vulnerable species nest near watercourses and islands; you are not permitted to camp on islands.

Of course you may go to the bathroom, but dig a hole of at least 15 cm and cover it afterwards. If you are not tough enough to use moss, use biodegradable toilet paper or take the paper with you when you leave. Wet wipes and panty liners are not biodegradable and must never be left behind.
You may bring your dog along on your trip, but remember to keep it on a leash between 1 April to 20 August. Make sure that your dog does not disturb the reindeer when you are passing through their grazing areas. Small, cute dogs can also cause harm.
Drones can disturb wildlife and other users of the national park and are therefore prohibited unless special permission has been granted. Read more about use of drones here.
Picking berries and mushrooms. Please note that there are several rare plant species in the national park that can be difficult to identify. Therefore, it is important that you don’t pick plants other than berries and mushrooms.
Remember that fishing and hunting licenses are required.
The national park has noise restrictions. Among other things, motorized ice drills are prohibited.